MAHLOW: Letter to soil and water conservation voters


My name is Paul Mahlow and I am a candidate for the Soil and Water Conservation District. Named in a recent article, those of you who might have read it might misinterpret it.
I was asked to serve just as I was asked to serve in Vietnam. There was a draft and I served as a helicopter pilot.
I did not list numerous qualifications, but my almost 40 years performing Environmental Health and Safety Management gave me experience in dealing with regulations about water, air and soil protection.
My economics degree (BA) helps me understand economic pressures we experience and my BS in Safety Administration prepared me for public administrative issues.
My Juris Doctor (Law Degree) helps me understand regulations and formulate responses or plans to address them.
The writer was not interested in my qualifications but rather only to criticize the Republican Central Committee and its leadership. My interest is protecting small, independent farmers, their water and property rights as population and development continue to encroach.
They feed us and deserve the opportunity to succeed instead of the restrictions they currently experience. Had the writer been interested she could have called me as other voters did. She did not.
Finally, I have accepted no donations for this campaign for a nonpaying position but if you elect me I will serve Kootenai and Shoshone County.
Hayden Lake