How Michigan hunters can protect themselves, domestic animals from bird flu


(Matt Slocum, Copyright 2020 The Associated Press. All rights reserved)
Canada geese line up along the Wissahickon creek, Wednesday, Dec. 2, 2020, in Philadelphia. (AP Photo/Matt Slocum)
As cases of avian influenza continue to be reported across the U.S., the Michigan Department of Natural Resources is reminding late-season goose hunters about how to protect themselves and domestic animals from the virus.
“While waterfowl hunters are much more likely to encounter wild birds, it’s important for all Michiganders to understand the health risks that bird flu can pose to wildlife, humans and domestic animals,” said Mitch Marcus, DNR Wildlife Health supervisor. “The virus has been identified in Michigan’s wild birds and mammals, as well as domestic cats, dairy cattle and poultry.”
Since December 2024, there has been an uptick in the death of Canada geese, trumpeter swans and scavenging birds due to the virus, according to DNR officials.
Here’s more on the risks to humans and animals and the precautions to take when it comes to bird flu.
Bird flu risks for humans
The DNR says that while the risk to the public is low, bird flu can infect people, especially hunters who come into contact with infected animals or materials.
Hunters shouldn’t handle wild birds that look sick or were found dead. But, it’s also important to know that even if wild birds don’t appear to be sick, they could still be carrying the virus.
Hunters are also asked to submit a report to the DNR if they see a die-off of six or more waterfowl, gulls or shorebirds.
Bird flu symptoms in hunters
If a waterfowl hunter has close contact with a sick or dead wild bird, they should monitor for the following symptoms for 10 days after they were exposed:
Fever with temperature over 100 degrees Fahrenheit or chills. Fever may not always be present.
Sore throat.
Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath.
Eye tearing, redness or irritation.
Runny or stuffy nose.
Muscle or body aches.
Precautions for hunters
The DNR urges hunters to take the following precautions to keep them from contracting or spreading the virus:
Cook all meat to an internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit to kill any viruses.
Process wild birds in the field. Remains from processed birds should be buried on-site or double-bagged and disposed of with household trash.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth when handling wild birds.
Wear rubber or disposable gloves while handling and cleaning wild birds, and wash hands with soap and water or alcohol-based hand cleanser, even if hands are not visibly soiled.
Thoroughly clean and disinfect all knives, equipment and surfaces that come into contact with wild birds.
Do not eat, drink or smoke while handling or cleaning wild birds.
Precautions for domestic animals
Hunters who also have domestic animals should do the following to protect their domestic animals from bird flu, according to the DNR:
Keeping domestic animals away from wild birds.
Keeping domestic animals away from dead waterfowl.
Keeping domestic animals away from hunting apparel and footwear that has come into contact with wild birds or their mucous, saliva or feces.
Cooking waterfowl meat to 165 degrees Fahrenheit before feeding it to other animals.
Showering after the hunt and before tending to domestic animals.
Washing hands immediately before and after caring for animals.
Not sharing equipment or other supplies between premises.
For more information about bird flu in Michigan, visit the state’s website.