B.C. SPCA rescues dozens of animals from breeder in Quesnel


The B.C. SPCA is recommending charges be laid
B.C. SPCA animal protection officers rescued 59 dogs from what it says was an irresponsible breeder in Quesnel after the organization received reports of several injured dogs at the property. Many of the dogs are very young and include 18 Cane Corso puppies born within the last month.
“When officers arrived at the home, they were hit with an overwhelming ammonia odour which burned their noses. The ground was littered with garbage, urine and old feces was stuck to the floor, dogs had access to injurious objects as well as medications,” said Eileen Drever, the BC SPCA’s senior officer protection and stakeholder relations, in a news release. “In the main area of the home, there were large portions of drywall that had been chewed through around an electrical socket.”
Drever described the condition of the animals as devastating. Many of the dogs, including the nursing moms, were extremely thin with their ribs, spines and hip bones prominently visible, Drever said.
