Public Input Wanted On Milford’s POCD Draft


Politics & Government Public Input Wanted On Milford’s POCD Draft Milford’s Plan of Conservation and Development establishes a vision for the city and informs the city’s zoning regulations. Reply
Milford’s Planning and Zoning Board is holding the special meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 24, at 7 p.m. (Saul Flores/Patch)
MILFORD, CT — As Milford continues developing the 2032 City of Milford Plan of Conservation and Development, the planning and zoning board allows the public to comment on the draft.
Milford’s Planning and Zoning Board is holding the special meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 24, at 7 p.m. During the meeting, the public can give their input on the 2032 City of Milford Plan of Conservation and Development Draft.


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