Mom outraged after man wears Pornhub shirt to zoo


On a day out at the zoo, there are a few things you would expect your kids to see. A koala, a kangaroo, and in between all those lovely furry friends, lots of other animal-lovers enjoying time with friends and family.
One mom, however, couldn’t believe her eyes when she visited her local Aussie zoo earlier this month.
Posting anonymously on Facebook, she shared her shock at seeing a man walking around the zoo – and seated in a group of families with prams – wearing a t-shirt blatantly advertising Pornhub, a Canadian-owned internet pornography video-sharing website.
Not only did the t-shirt have ‘Pornhub’ written in large bold letters on his back, it was also emblazoned with an anime illustration featuring a woman in a suggestive sexualized position.
The woman shared that her nine-year-old child had asked what the t-shirt meant, and asked Facebook users whether they deemed it appropriate attire for a place such a zoo.
The Pornhub shirt was emblazoned with an anime illustration featuring a woman in a suggestive sexualized position. Facebook
“I’d be embarrassed to be around someone wearing that”
Her post was inundated with messages of support from those who agreed with her opposition to the man’s choice.
“How revolting,” another mom named Kim commented.
“Some things make me really angry. Like seeing a ‘no fat chicks’ sticker on a car nearly gave me road rage.
“I’d be giving him the stink eye but would be too scared to say anything.”
Another user, Jess, echoed that sentiment. “It’s absolutely an ick for me,” she said.
“In general it’s a tacky shirt that I’d be embarrassed to be around someone wearing that,” added Brittney.
“But it’s super weird to wear to a zoo that is filled with kids – like he could have chosen literally anything else to wear.”
Another group member, Sarah also chimed in: “Gross gross gross. Why wear that to a family establishment? Who’s he trying to target?
“No way my husband would wear anything like this.”
“Why does a man even want to buy a shirt like that?”
Member Ellie voiced her opinion of how triggering this type of clothing can be. “As a woman who has suffered with betrayal trauma from a porn addicted husband, that shirt makes me sick.”
Sharenne could not comprehend the man’s purchase, let alone his choice of where to wear it.
“Why does a man even want to buy a shirt advertising a porn website? Or is he advertising the fact he likes porn? This is so odd. And yeah, a gross choice for a family day out.
“Who looks at that and thinks, ‘Yup, the perfect t-shirt for today is this’, it’s just weird.”
The “revolting” shirt drew outrage online. Facebook
A few Facebook users somewhat defended the man’s freedom to wear what he wishes, as long as it was within the guidelines of the zoo.
Those comments ignited more debate, including Paige’s emphatic response: “People are really missing the point here,” she wrote.
“If you’re parents yourselves you should know they aren’t ‘just words’ and it isn’;t as easy as ‘not answering’. Very naive.
“Kids will look things like this up with access regardless of us giving them an answer or not.
“There’s a place for shirts like this and a time. A zoo where many intrigued children will be is not the appropriate time.”