‘A life-saving chance’: RACC asking for ‘Tommie Fund’ donations


RICHMOND, Va. (WWBT) – Richmond Animal Care and Control is asking for help after its “Tommie Fund,” which is used to help shelters across Virginia cover emergency medical care costs for animals in need, runs out of money.
In 2019, RACC established the “Tommie Fund” in honor of Tommie, a pit bull who died after being tied to a fence and set on fire.
“We spent around $95,000 this year that we’ve been able to distribute to the different shelters around the state,” said Robin Young, outreach coordinator for Richmond Animal Care and Control. “Over the last four years, we’ve added more shelters, more that are participating, more that know about it, that reach out to us when they have an animal that needs an urgent type situation.”
It’s a life-saving fund in need of a helping hand.
On Tuesday, RACC made a Facebook post asking for support after the last few thousand dollars from the fund were used to help a dog found stuck in a trash compactor in Sussex County.
In the post, RACC said the “Tommie Fund” is filled every year in mid-September with help from merch and license plate revenue. The money typically supports an entire year of expenses, according to RACC.
However, RACC said they’ve had a lot of recent cases requiring intensive emergency care diagnostics.
“Just like with any type of emergency situation, each case can run into the thousands of dollars,” said Young. “If you multiply that by the number of participants that have come aboard the Tommie program, it’s easy to burn through those funds pretty quickly.”
It’s a growing demand RACC wants to meet to give animals in need a second chance at life.
“In a lot of these cases, these are animals at another shelter that may have been euthanized if this funding wasn’t available,” Young told NBC12. “We’re giving them a life-saving chance with this money.”
On Thursday, RACC said one supporter has offered to match up to $20,000 in donations for the “Tommie Fund.”
“Any small donation is great. Just spreading the word is amazing. Getting your Team Tommie plate is helping us every year, and we want to keep this going as long as possible,” Young told NBC12.
RACC said donations can be made in multiple ways, including online through this link, at Richmond Animal Care and Control, and through the mail. RACC also asks those who donate to put “Tommie Fund” in the note.
Mail donations can be sent to 1600 Chamberlayne Ave., Richmond, VA 23222.
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